September 3, 2009

Cutie Patootie

Today our Cutie Patootie jumped into our bathroom contractor's van and ATE his sandwich!

July 11, 2009

Pictures Speak Louder than Words

This dog acts like I am Hannibal Lecter. I don't dislike her, but she DOES look like a hairless Guinea pig with brown splotches and bangs.

I babysat her for several days during a two week period, sat with her, walked her, and let her out of her cage each day, but she would not eat one bit of food or any of her favorite doggie treats I offered her. I have decided the dog is just plain rude (lol).

May 11, 2009

Before and After

Oh boy, thought I murdered my lovely peony bush. I could not get the plant divided using sharp cutting scissors, clippers and wound up hacking it into five pieces with a spade last year. I shared two of the five cuttings and am happy to say all three of the new cuttings are doing great!

March 14, 2009

My First Softie

Found the tutorial for making this cutie patooty birdy over at: Lynn Roberts

March 7, 2009

When Will My Garden Grow?

I winter-sowed 40+ baggies in mid-February and set them out in the snow. Oooooh, can't wait for spring to arrive!

March 3, 2009

Winter Sowing Tutorial

I had so much fun making these paper cups for my first winter sowing endeavor. But--lost lots of sprouts because the dirt tends to dry out quickly in the spring--before I have a chance to prepare my soil. I prefer the baggie method but still do some using the paper pots.

I picked the foam bottoms up from a Top's supermarket. The lid to a cardboard box works well if you can’t find the grape containers. I drilled three small holes down the center of the bottom of each container, laid a couple of sheets of newspaper on the bottom (to keep the dirt from falling out) and added about an inch of dirt on top of the newspaper. Fill each baggie with 3 -5 inches of dirt and water all the bags and let drain good in the kitchen sink. When dirt is still a bit moist, I add my seeds--pressing them down a tad. Insert a label in each baggie as you go and place in container. I made a list with the number and name of seed each baggie contains, to coincide with each label. A few seeds missed the baggie and grew in the dirt surrounding the pots. Close baggies, leaving small opening (about an inch) and put outside in container(s) anytime after December 15th. In the spring hold the the baggies open with a clothes pin so the plants don’t get over-heated. Make sense?

Baggie Instructions:

Paper Pot Instructions:


What am I to do with her--give her a haircut? Looks like she told a lie and her nose is growing. Should I try planting her nose? Anyone?

March 2, 2009

Newbie Blogger

I will be modifying, organizing, adding, editing and deleting for quite some time. That's what Bloggie's do you know, when they enter the "Land of Blogs".

February 27, 2009

Are These Not The Cutest!

I found the tutorial for these little booties over on Aimee's HomeSpun Threads...Click here!

February 26, 2009

Three Days and Second Post

Mostly going to be checking in on fellow bloggers, how to change background, add links and all that good stuff. Any tips would be appreciated. Keep in mind you have to talk to me real slow--I have a way of making mountains out of molehills. I see nothing but mountains ahead.

Yes I Can

I am now a Blogger.